Product Detail

Limited Edition Teas

Gabaron Matcha

(Matcha with a high γ-amino butyric acid content: Gabaron Matcha)
The “Gabaron” tea leaf treatment was developed by the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science. Marukyu Koyamaen applied this technology to Matcha production and created Gabaron Matcha.
The amount of GABA—which helps regulate blood pressure—is about 2.3 times more than other Matcha products.

40g can

Out of stock

40g can
⌀6cm x H7cm
Best before period
7 months
How to Preserve Matcha
Store the matcha green tea in a dark and cool cabinet or in your refrigerator.
Preparation of Matcha

For details, see the website below.
Preparation of Matcha